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Unit 8 - Practical Skills for Computer Games

SSJG - Light Theme

SSJG - Dark Theme

Applied the "2D Artist" text, below the line, which creates a mirror effect. Displays forms of smart graphics design whilst keeping the image simple

In the image below, the additional text has been faded towards the ends, creating a greater effect of what is explained above.


Using the colour scheme for my logo, I began to change the grading for the blog itself. This allows me to link my work together thus creating something that looks more professional.

In order to gather the colours, I located the hex codes in Photoshop's colour picker, copied them and transferred them to my blog in order to match them perfectly.

Matching the title's colours to that of the logos could be seen as a key part of the graphics design. Originally the title was in pure white, it matched the logo but didn't seem to stand out. In order to do this, I used the unique blue, found in the logo, to highlight the dimensions of art. This allows readers to focus more on the topic I do as well as creating a theme that looks aesthetically pleasing.

Old :

New :


Lego car game in Unity

Using unity, I created arcade style car mechanics which will be used for a Lego themed project.




3DS Max

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