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Unit 49 - Computer Game Engines


The Sales Concept Team at EPIC Games has approached Merlin Entertainment and proposed to them that they could use a video game to encourage new customers to use their Lego-land Windsor resort. This “Digital Marketing” method is intended to entice an entirely new and untapped audience onto the potential client’s website and then into their resort, with the aim of introducing them to their parks entertainment potential.



Understand the relationships between 3D computer game elements


Be able to implement points of view in computer games using cameras from 3D game engines


Be able to implement control systems in computer games using input devices via 3D game engines


Be able to produce playable mods based on gameplay genres using 3D game engines



What are "Dynamic Objects"?

Define "Dynamic Objects"

When using a 3D Games engine, a "Dynamic Object" is the name given to an object which is movable. An example of this is when a the character can push a barrel over in a game

Example of a Dynamic Object

Three examples of Dynamic objects are as follows:

  1. Vehicles

  2. Falling rocks

  3. Foliage

Does this object have to be static?

  1. No - Cars can be seen as an environmental asset therefore can be static. An example of this would be a broken vehicle in an apocalyptic environment. The car will not move and cannot be interacted with, therefore becoming a static object.

  2. Yes - Rocks that are falling must be dynamic because they are moving. If said object was static, the rocks would not move and the asset would not be able to fall. This object can be static in a scene, however it can only be used for environmental purposes.

  3. No - Foliage can be quite confusing when deciding on whether it should be static or dynamic. In some games, foliage can be animated but is not dynamic. This is because it cannot be directly interacted with by a character. In contrast however, there are certain games which do use dynamic foliage. An example of this would be when the player has the ability to walk through grass, pushing it depending on where the character stands


What are "Static Objects"?

Define "Static Objects"

A static object, when dealing with computer games, in its most simplest form is an object that cannot move at all.

Three examples of Static objects

Three examples of Static objects are as follows:

  1. Buildings

  2. Rocks in environment

  3. Mountain

Does this object have to be static?

  1. Yes - Big objects such as buildings are not at all likely to move around the scene. There may be objects attached to the building that can be interacted with such as door or a window, however the building itself will never move. If the building was dynamic, players would be able to push the object around, this is definitely not realistic.

  2. No - As explained in earlier, rocks do not have to be static. When using them as an ambient object however, they need to be static

  3. Yes - Mountains are a part of the environment, it is highly unrealistic to see these as a movable object. In order to keep the object in place, it must be static, the level with break otherwise.


How do Static and Dynamic objects interact?

Three examples of an interaction between Static and Dynamic objects

Static objects will be marked in red; Dynamic objects will be marked in blue. Three examples of the interaction between the two different types of objects are as follows:

  1. Car driving along a road

  2. Rocks falling down a slope

  3. Car crashing into a wall

Example of how interaction between Static and Dynamic objects can form game-play

Static objects give a base for what dynamic objects can collide with. A road, being a static object, will allow a car, which is in the case is a dynamic object, to drive along it. This also applies to rocks falling down a cliff face, the rocks are dynamic; the cliff is static.




Game creation using Unity

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