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Unit 4/80 - Work Experience


We were asked by the M.O.D, in association with Wiltshire college, to create a 3D model of a piece of equipment used in the army, the name for this being the so called "FireStorm". We were not informed as of what this piece of equipment does, however from an outside view, it very much looks like some sort of thermal binoculars.




This unit provides you with an opportunity to apply their knowledge, skills and understanding in the workplace and gain credit for working in a relevant area of the creative media sector.

Unit abstract

This unit is designed to develop your abilities to identify appropriate work placement opportunities in the creative media sector and explore the process of securing such placements.

Learners will develop both vocational and transferable skills within a practical industrial context.

Monitoring and evaluating the learner’s performance and learning experience is integral to this unit.


Learning Objectives

  1. Be able to identify and negotiate work experience placements in the creative media sector

  2. Understand the requirements of negotiated work placements

  3. Be able to undertake work experience placements as negotiated

  4. Be able to monitor and evaluate own performance and learning during work placements in the creative media sector.


Due to there not being a suitable amount of pictorial references, it was very difficult to create an accurate model that was to real life scale. We were given measurements for certain parts, however, as this was not given for all the main details, it was easier to create the object "by eye".

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